Hanover weather

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

7 Miles today, some 5's on the weekend.

Saturday and Sunday morning I ran 5 miles each day around campus. It was a nice a quite run both days with the low temperatures I enjoy.

Today I did a loop run/hike I've been wanting to do for a long time. I wasn't sure how long this path would take since it is a lot of trails.

 It was shorter than I expected which is good because it means I can do it more often. The first three miles were on trails, mostly downhill and mainly done by hiking. The trail normally would be more runnable but now there is a heavy leaf cover and rocks underneath and could cause a twisted ankle, something I am trying to avoid.

(The trail crosses the stream at the bottom of canyon)

The second three miles were on a road, mostly uphill, and mainly done by running.

(last of the trail head up to the fire tower)

Monday, November 3, 2014

4 Miles: Clifty Falls State Park Run/Hike

This morning I went on a 4 mile run/hike at Cliffy Falls. I am really starting to love the trails and road there for running. I could actually train for the Two Bear marathon here because it is so hilly. The vertical profile of the run is below.

Video of my location during the run. Note the sunrise.
and here is one picture.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

6.3 miles and the week.

Turns out blogging is taking a back seat to work. Hard to justify the time to blog during the week when I can work and make money. 

Anyway, I have been running. I do most of my weekly runs at the park - those are about 4 miles but hard because of the trails and elevation change. On the weekend, I run on campus.  Today I got in the planned long run of 6 miles. 

Next weekend the long run is 7 miles. I'm just adding a mile to the long run for the next few weeks.