This morning I ran 10 miles around the town. I set out to take it easy after yesterday's 20 and since I was wearing new shoes (but same brand/size). However, my pace for my first mile was 9:27 without really trying to push it at all. So I backed off and ran the next mile at a 11:02 pace. This didn't last long as I felt good and just decided to run at whatever pace I went. I ended up running a few miles under a 10 minute pace and did the last mile in 9:22 (I was pushing that mile).
I ended up with a 10:05 pace overall and ran 10.05 miles in total (I didn't try that). It was a good run. My best pace runs seem to come the day after running 20. I'm not going to run 20 the day before the marathon to test that theory. I took in 100 calories (1 Gu gel) and 1.2 liters of water. I could have used more water near the end but didn't want to stop to refill my bottles.
The last two days have been good. I don't know why I was feeling out of shape but I don't feel that way anymore. I feel ready to do the marathon in about the pace I was aiming for. I'm now in the taper. I don't really like it, but I trust the research so I do it.
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