Up next: Maybe a short run today or tomorrow, off Tuesday either way and a hope to do the about 7.5 to the park and back loop on Wednesday.
Hanover weather
Sunday, November 28, 2010
4 Miles (Saturday)
I ran 4 miles outside yesterday around the complex. I took it rather easy and didn't time the run or push the pace. I felt fine and relaxed during the run. However, afterwards my legs felt like I had run closer to 20 and I developed a slight pain in the right foot (the left one is the one that hurt during the marathon, the right hurt a bit the week before). Given the heavy legs after and sore foot I am thinking of taking off till Wednesday. I don't really want to do that but it might be the best way to run more in the long run (pun intended).
Friday, November 26, 2010
Post marathon (0 miles today)
I've taken off Monday-Friday. My leg muscles stopped being sore on Wednesday and my ankle stopped hurting at all Thursday. I feel 100% today but will take the day off. I don't want to plan the next two-three weeks to much because I am not sure how I will feel. I plan to run Saturday and Sunday, about 3-5 miles each day. I figure I will work on a plan after running whatever distance I feel like for two weeks.
Monday, November 22, 2010
26.2 miles (Sunday)
I ran the Philly Marathon on Sunday. I ended up with a time of 4:44. One way to state it is this was my second fastest marathon ever, but it could also be said it was my second slowest marathon.
I'm happy overall as I had fun running it. I got cramps in my left foot starting around mile 18 and had to walk for a bit until it went anyway. This happened just about every mile remaining and so I lost some time there walking away the cramp. It's odd because it's not something that has happened to me before. However, even without the cramps I doubt I would have been more than 5-10 minutes faster overall (about the same time as my last marathon).
I forgot how hard it can be to run at a steady pace for the first few miles of a crowded marathon. I would come up on a row of other runners and have to move left or right or just slow down. The course cleared out after the half-marathon people split off to their finish (around mile 12 or so). After that is was easier just to run at a steady pace.
It was a well organized marathon and the volunteers did a great job with the aid stations. There could have been more porta potties but I guess that's always the case with big events. I lost about five minutes during the run waiting for one.
I think the major reason I was not able to run faster was my fitness level at the start of this training cycle. It would be a stretch to say I was in good running shape when I started the program. I think my training was really good as I improved with each 20 miler run. If I am able to keep running over the next year, I'm sure my next marathon will be faster.
The current plan is to aim for the 40 mile run in the late spring. I don't feel like I could have run yesterday's marathon much faster but I do feel like I could have run another few miles at the pace I was going. If the 40 miler does not work for scheduling reasons, I'll aim to do the Nashville Marathon in April (my first marathon done with my great wife of 10 years!)
Thursday, November 18, 2010
4 miles Wednesday and 3 Thursday
I took Monday and Tuesday off after getting a slight pain in one foot. I think it's from running less (I know that doesn't make sense). Anyway, I ran 4 miles on Wednesday and 3 today and both runs were around the complex. Sometimes my hardest runs are the short runs. I am just not good at running short distances. I think it takes 5 or 6 miles for my body to get in the groove and remember how to run.
The foot still hurts a bit when walking but it didn't hurt at all while running. So today was my last run before the marathon. I will take the next two days off from running to rest and travel.
It will be odd not to run with my iphone telling me my pace every mile. The marathon website says it will have 3 digital clocks over the 26.2 miles. I'll have to just try to guess my pace and hope I don't go to fast during the first 12 or too slow in the last half. I hope to run a 10:30 pace for the first twenty miles and then go from there based on how I am doing. However, finishing and having fun are the top goals unless everyone in front of me gets cramps and I find myself in the lead (ha. ha.).
Sunday, November 14, 2010
8.5 miles (last longer run)
Today I ran 8.5 miles. Yesterday's scheduled 4 didn't happen due to family scheduling issues so I'll run that tomorrow. Today's run was the last of the longer run before the marathon. I finished it with an average pace of 9:52 mins per mile. It felt good and of course it should since I "normally" would be running 20 miles today. I took 1 gel and 0.6 liters of water. Good last major run.
Friday, November 12, 2010
4 miles Thursday and 4 Friday
I ran 4 miles yesterday and 4 miles today around the complex while my mom watched the boy. I didn't time either run and didn't try to push either. I just did them at a natural pace (whatever that was). I didn't take water or calories during either run. I did take a gel right before today's run since I had not eaten anything in a few hours.
Up next: I have an 8 mile run and a 4 mile run this weekend. The plan now is to run the 4 on Saturday and the 8 on Sunday but that might get reversed. I've started working on rough outline on how I am going to train for the Ultra. I'll post about that rough plan after the Marathon.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
six miles around the complex
I ran 6 around the complex today (6 scheduled). My mom is in town so I was able to run this one outside and thus avoid the treadmill. I didn't run tuesday since I can run outside three days in a row during the week while she is here to play with and watch the boy.
I didn't time this run and didn't try to push it all. I was nice just to run outside.
Up next: four miles outside tomorrow and friday.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
7.2 miles around town
This morning I ran 7.2 miles. My goal was to run close to a 10:30 pace and to that end I looked at my iPhone GPS and walked a bit a different times during the run to slow my pace down. I ended up with an average pace of 10:20. Starting out I was sluggish and was glad I picked today to do a slower run but after about 3 miles things kicked into gear and I felt normal and had to start slowing down.
The average pace I want to beat for the marathon is 10:30, thus beating my last marathon time. I know I can run 20 miles under this pace. The question is can I keep it up for 6.2 more miles. Guess I'll find out soon enough.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
12.2 miles around town

I ran 12.2 miles this morning. I took in 1.2 liters of water and 200 calories (via 2 Gu gels). It was a fast run. I don't think I've run any run outside with an average pace under 10 minutes per mile during this training cycle. I did this 12 mile run with an average pace of 9:39. The goal was to do it "fast" but I was thinking more of a 10:00 per mile pace. I didn't feel like I was really pushing it but I know I could not keep that pace up for another 14 miles. It was good to do my last long run (anything over 10 is long in my book) "fast". I stopped (red dot on map above) and walked before getting all the way home since I ran the schedule 12 and was entering the one area I worry about twisting an ankle.
Up next: I'm scheduled for 4 tomorrow but since I skipped Thursday's run and 4 miles is too short, I'll going to run about 7.5 miles tomorrow.
Long range note: The family schedule is shaping up well for me to train right for the 40 mile run in the spring. The boy might be in a pre-school two days a week. This would allow me to do 4 runs a week outside (W, F, S and Sun) and have two days a week to do really long runs (W and F) without impacting family time.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
8 Miles around the complex
I ran 8 mile tonight (8 scheduled) around the complex. There was a light mist to a light rain for all eight miles. Somehow this is the first rain run I've done during my current marathon program. I didn't take my phone so I'm not sure about the pace but I'm guessing it was around 10. It was a fairly easy run since it was really cool. I may have run to close to dinner again but wanted to eat with the family so I don't regret it. Good run overall. I drank about 0.4 liters of water.
5 treadmill miles (tuesday)
Ran the 1st mile at 10:30, the next 2 at 10 and the last two at 9:30. I drank 0.6 liters on water. Time is short so that's it for this update.
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