Ran 11.5 miles this morning. It was 75 degrees, 91% humidity and overcast for most of it. I drank 4.2 liters of water, ate 360 calories (4 Hammer Montana Huckleberry gels) and had 5 Hammer Endurolytes during the run and one right at the end. We were out of bananas again and so I had two pieces of honey toast instead about 20 minutes before the run with a half of cup of coffee (like normal).
This was a good long run. It was sunny for the first mile and last mile but otherwise very overcast to raining. There were times during the run when I slowed for overheating (humidity), tired leg muscles, and overworked lungs. This is good as all three of those factors got pushed verses just overheating. I carried all of that water and so my pack got lighter as I when along. I hit every hill I can around town as we are largely flat here.
The best thing about this run was I was able to gamble a bit on the path I took since if there was no shade it wouldn't matter. I "found" a path off a normal route of my that lead around a housing development and into a local school and park. The connection (miles 3-5) between my normal routes and the park is great. It's very shaded to decent shading the whole way. So, I can use this path on sunny days. I'm still learning the best running paths in our town (I'm not from Franklin).
I saw a fox again in the soccer field near home. We scared each other as I came around a corner. We were both out for a run. I was glad the fox was the one to sprint away. I'm not sure I could have at that point. I'll have to start thinking of names for these foxes in the soccer field.
Getting close to the half marathon mark.