Ran 6.7 miles this morning. It was 80 degrees, 95% humidity and overcast (to foggy). I drank 1.2 liters of water, ate 120 calories (1 Stinger Honey gel) and had 2 Hammer Endurolytes during the run. I had two small bananas and a full cup of coffee before the run. The stinger honey gel was not something I would buy again to use during the run but I could see using it in the morning before a run. It was basically just honey (big shock I know). A bit too sweet for a mid-run gel for me..
I was schedule for 5 but since I felt good, had time and heard a song from Rocky in my playlist around mile 4.5, I decided to go for a bit more (WWRD).
I checked out a nature path in a development behind us I had never run in before. It was great. This development, in which I would never live, has an amazing trail system largely hidden from view from the roads in it (miles 1-3.5 on the map). If I had to run in full Sun and just go for 6 or so miles I could run in almost complete shade in this development without getting bored.
On tap for tomorrow: zero miles.
Good job, Trent! I like the picture.