Ran 6 miles this morning. It was 83 degrees, 81% humidity and sunny. I drank 2.4 liters of water, ate 0 calories and had 3 Endurolytes during the run. I had coffee and a bagel before the run.
I ran six miles by running six loops of a one mile loop at a local park. It was already sunny before I got up and didn't feel like dealing with the cars today so I drove over to the park to run. In general, I try to avoid driving to a place to run.
This run was harder than it should have been. It should have been hard given the weather but I felt out of energy at mile three. I didn't take a gel today since I had more calories in my pre-run snack via a bagel instead of the normal banana. I don't think a lack of morning calories was the problem as I was already out of energy at mile 3. It's possible the cause was a lower calorie intake yesterday or overall during the past few weeks. I'm trying to move out of the Cyldesdale running group. I am making progress there.
I did feel a bit better in mile 4 and 5 as I got into some sort of slow running rhythm. However, overall this run was harder than my last Saturday long run of 11.5 miles. Today was one of those days being signed up already for a marathon helps keep you going in training. If I was just going for basic fitness I could have stopped after 3.
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