In July I ran about 114 miles*, an increase from the 75 miles in June. My weekly milage totals for each week ending in July were: 25.5, 19.8, 27.3, and 23. The number I like to follow the most is a moving thirty day total (see graph). Most running programs have you tapper for three weeks for a marathon, following a week or so at your maximum mileage - that's about 30 days in total (ok, I'm adding 2 days to the 28). Thus, I figure the total milage over the previous thirty days is a good measure of how much running your body has in it.
As of July 1st my previous thirty total was 76 miles and was 109 miles on the 31st of July. The program I am following for the Nov 21st marathon builds to a maximum 30 day total of 200 miles for one day on Oct 17.
I also want to track my resting heart rate as this is something I have never done and is said to be measure of fitness and a way to track overtraining (if it goes up). I can't take it first thing in the morning, so instead this is going to be a measurement taken after sitting for a few minutes and while feeling relaxed. I'm not going to measure it everyday but maybe once a month. Today is was 62 (measured for 30 seconds x 2).
Review: It was good month as I had fun, did not get hurt, increased my fitness and was only sick for about two days. I did have some pain here and there but it was here and there and thus moving around. Moving around pain is fine, it's the pain that stays in one place that is a problem.
*My mileage total, of course, has some amount error as it is measured on my iphone 3gs using Runmeter or comes from running a route of known distance. Since I don't know what error range is I am not going to report it. I'll round to whole miles for monthly totals and tenths of a mile for weekly or smaller totals.
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