I ran 8 miles today (0.8 liters of water, zero calories). I'm trying hard not to run too far but it's not easy. I also had a slight ankle thing (slightly sore) going on today that I think is related to the last few runs I have done at a faster pace. It doesn't worry me, as I'm sure this week of mostly rest will help.
This strolling jim 40 (41.2) is much different than major marathons. It is limited to I think 300 runners and the entire set of directions other than the starting time was just posted:
"Mile markers (and more) painted on the course at 5m, 10m, 13.1m, 15m, 20m, halfway, 25m, 26.2m, 30m, 50k, 35m, 39.2m, 40m, and the finish. Water in dozens of 1gallon milk jugs set out every 2m - 2.5m along the entire course - bring a water bottle or you will have to stop to drink because there are no cups."
This helps a bit because now I know I do not need to carry all my water. I'll be carrying what I normal carry for runs of 12 miles of less; just my two waters bottles not the 3 liter camelbak. I've heard the "and more" painted on the road are insults and taunts aimed at the runners. He plays the taps on a bugle if you quit. The director is the same director of the Barkley marathons. This is a race that only 10 people have even finished since 1986 and some of the best ultrarunners enter it every year. He doesn't provide directions to the start of his races because he figures if you can't figure it out you should not be running on his courses.
I've also learned that the Strolling Jim brings in some of the top runners in the sport. The guy that won it last year holds the record for the Badwater Ultramarathon. The strolling jim is one of the oldest ultra's in the country and brings in big runners for that reason.
The first weather forecasts for Wartrace, TN are up. Mid 70's and partly sunny is the forecast right now. I'd rather see mid 60's but I'll take mid 70's over the 80's.