Hanover weather

Friday, April 29, 2011

8 miles

I ran 8 miles today (0.8 liters of water, zero calories). I'm trying hard not to run too far but it's not easy. I also had a slight ankle thing (slightly sore) going on today that I think is related to the last few runs I have done at a faster pace. It doesn't worry me, as I'm sure this week of mostly rest will help.

This strolling jim 40 (41.2) is much different than major marathons. It is limited to I think 300 runners and the entire set of directions other than the starting time was just posted:

"Mile markers (and more) painted on the course at 5m, 10m, 13.1m, 15m, 20m, halfway, 25m, 26.2m, 30m, 50k, 35m, 39.2m, 40m, and the finish. Water in dozens of 1gallon milk jugs set out every 2m - 2.5m along the entire course - bring a water bottle or you will have to stop to drink because there are no cups."

This helps a bit because now I know I do not need to carry all my water. I'll be carrying what I normal carry for runs of 12 miles of less; just my two waters bottles not the 3 liter camelbak. I've heard the "and more" painted on the road are insults and taunts aimed at the runners. He plays the taps on a bugle if you quit. The director is the same director of the Barkley marathons. This is a race that only 10 people have even finished since 1986 and some of the best ultrarunners enter it every year. He doesn't provide directions to the start of his races because he figures if you can't figure it out you should not be running on his courses.

I've also learned that the Strolling Jim brings in some of the top runners in the sport. The guy that won it last year holds the record for the Badwater Ultramarathon. The strolling jim is one of the oldest ultra's in the country and brings in big runners for that reason.

The first weather forecasts for Wartrace, TN are up. Mid 70's and partly sunny is the forecast right now. I'd rather see mid 60's but I'll take mid 70's over the 80's.

5.1 mile free run (Thursday)

Yesterday I did the 5.1 mile run. This run was not in the plans at the start of the week but I was not happy with Wednesday's short run on the treadmill. So I did the 5.1 mile free run to Starbucks and back at a good pace this morning. My wife also was leaving later in the day for a research trip so I thought it might be a good idea to run outside since I will not be able to this weekend since I have full time son watching duties.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

3.5m, Tornadoes, Treadmill, Thunder and lighting

Very bad weather day today. Tried to wait out the lighting and thunder but no luck. Ran 3.5 miles on the treadmill but stopped after a bunch of thunder and lighting. I don't want to fry this treadmill. I guess it's a good forced low mileage day.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

5.1 mile rabbit run

I ran 5.1 miles this morning. I took along my phone because I wanted to make sure I kept a good pace (around 10). I imagined I was chasing the Easter Bunny. It worked and I had a good run. It was only on the way back I found out why my first mile was fast; I had a tail wind on the way out.

This is basically the five mile free run but I didn't cut one corner that I normally cut to keep it at 5 miles. It rained hard last night and that little corner cut off would soak my shoes.

Am I ready for the 41.2 mile run? I'm about as ready as I can be to finish it. I've run 30 three times and that is about as far a training run that is suggested for 50 mile runs (a more typical distance). I've felt like I could have keep going a little bit more on each of those runs. These runs were done without a real taper so my legs should be ready to go. So I'm thinking the 30 training runs will get me to 31.2 miles, the taper should add about 5 miles. This puts me at 36.2 miles. Running in an event is always a bit more exciting and there will be other people. This should get me to 40 miles. The last 1.2 miles might be really hard but at that point I know I will make it. This is the math I'm telling myself.

The hills could be a factor as could the weather. The hills are fixed; I'll should have a basic idea of the weather as few days out. I'm hoping for overcast. I'll take warm and humid, but I don't want sunny.

six miles (saturday)

Saturday night I ran 6 miles. It was a rather simple run. I didn't push the pace but I didn't run slow. I took in about 1 liter of water.

Friday, April 22, 2011

10 odd miles

Today was an odd ten miles (0 calories, 1.2 liters of water). It rained hard, I was cold, I was hot, it was humid, there was cloud cover and there was too much sun. I don't know what was going on but it it was like a Saturday as people were everywhere. I thought I had the wrong day in my mind. It was an odd Friday run.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

30 miles

Photo: I think it from around mile 11 (below) but it could be anywhere between 10-12

Today I ran another 30 miles. This one was a little over a minute faster per mile than the last 30 so that was good. It has humid but otherwise good running weather (cool and overcast). I took in about 4.4 liters of water, 4 endurolytes, and maybe 800 calories between solid food and gels.

Thirty miles is a long way. I actually felt pretty good during this run. It probably helped I had a mini-taper this last weekend (just 11 miles). I'm now entering the taper phase for the May 7th 41.2 mile run. I'll likely run 20 next wednesday and then really cut back. The trick is not to eat to much because you still are really hungry but not burning as many calories.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

5 mile free run

I did the 5 mile Starbucks and back free run tonight after we got back from the trip. It felt good. I'll be doing my last 30 this week, so a bit of a down mileage weekend now is fine.

6 miles around parking lots (Saturday)

We went on a mini-getaway this weekend. I ran about six miles in a strong wind on Saturday around the local parking lots. I also played in the pool for a couple of hours. I think that was harder than the run.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

20 miles: Pollen or something else?

Photo: From around mile 14.5 on map below

I ran 20 miles today (560 calories, 2 endurolytes, 2.5 liters of water). I stuck with the plan of running 20 if it was cooler and using the shorter run (not 30) to work a bit on speed. My average pace per mile was about 2 minutes faster than my last 30. It wasn't so much that I was fast today as that last 30 was slow.

I've had that feeling that sickness is coming. However, it might just be pollen. My wife told me its a very high pollen day. My wife and son are both effected about the same. I don't get it that bad but it could just be that. Either way, spending a bit less time on my speed seemed like a good idea.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

5 mile free run

I did the Starbucks and back free run this morning. It was warm and sunny. The run went fairly well. My pace was good and steady, about the pace I would want to have in a half-marathon race. I wasn't sure how it would go because my legs were a bit sore and stiff. However, they warmed up and felt good after about a half-mile.

Up next: two days of rest. Wednesday anywhere from 20-30. If it's sunny and warm I might push for a slow 30 to train in warm weather; if it's cooler and overcast, I might go for a faster 20 mile run to work on distance speed.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

5 mile run

Photo: From around mile 4.1 on map below.

Today I ran 5 miles (about 0.8 liters of water, 0 calories). I felt fairly well considering I ran 30 yesterday. I may have done more mileage today but was wearing an old pair of shorts that keep sliding down. Five today was probably enough anyway. The run was to the library to drop of a book and then a quick loop into town and back.

Up next: 5 miles on Sunday.

Friday, April 8, 2011

30 miles: another 5000 calories burned.

Today I ran 30 miles. It wasn't easy as the heat returned with some humidity (82F, 54 humidity), I didn't sleep well, and it was 30 miles. This was my second 30. I started the last 30 with hat and gloves on just 13 days ago. It was a big shock to my system to have the weather switch so fast. I took in about 5 liters of water (w/3 endurolytes) and about 760 calories between gels and solid food.

I tried again to find what hills I could as the 40 miler is described as hilly. As you can see on the map above we don't have great hills in town. Miles 6 to 16 were on a bypass around the town that has a nice shoulder and rolling hills. The ending of the run was the same as the last. I ran loops around the local park. By mile 24 I didn't really want to think about where to go or my interaction with traffic. I hit the 30 mark about a half mile from home and just walked back from there as a cool down.

Up next: Saturday- I'm not really sure, anywhere from 0-12 miles. Sunday- 5 miles

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

7.4 bad miles

Today I managed 7.4 miles. It was a bad run. I went to the dentist this morning and my mouth was still numb when I went running. I'm not sure that was the best idea (the run or the dentist); plus I had not eaten in a few hours. The rough plan was 12 miles but was not happening.

Up next: Friday I'm running 30.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

5 mile free run

Today I did the 5 mile free run. I could not get out of first gear and had no running rhythm. I felt out of shape, of course I am in shape for a five mile run but just could not get it going today. My last mile did feel a bit better and I'm sure if I had run ten today, my last five would be have been much better.

Friday, April 1, 2011

12.8 miles

Today I ran 12.8 miles (1 liter of water, 180 calories). The main goal was to map a two mile loop close to home and a few bathrooms. I wanted to map a local run for days when it rains really hard and I can't take my iphone but really want to know the distance. I found a good two mile loop (see mile 6 and 8 are about on top of each other on the map). It takes about a mile to get to this loop and so I can string getting there and back and many loops together to make a long run.

Up next: Saturday's run is canceled. I forgot I have an all day event I need to attend. I may run a bit longer on Sunday (7.5 vs 5) but maybe not. So this really will be a down mileage week as I planned at the start of it.