Today I ran 27.9 miles. It was in the mid 70's and partly cloudy. When the Sun was blocked by the clouds, it was a nice spring day with a breeze, when the Sun was free to get me it did. Overall it was a good run. The last few were hard for sure. I plotted a course in my head around mile 14 that I knew would get me somewhere between 25-30 miles and decided just to take whatever that turned out to be rather than doing loops near home to get to a specific number.
I took in about 900 calories (2 Cliff bars and 5 gels) and 5.4 liters of water. I weighed myself before and directly after the run and lost 5 pounds. So I was still behind on liquids even after 5.4 liters. According to Runners World Calorie Calculator I burned about 4800 calories.
I came across some vultures eating a bag of dead fish along side the road and got a great shot of them (taken around mile 9 on map above).