Hanover weather
Monday, February 28, 2011
Monthly review for February

O miles and the three t's
Today I ran zero miles. I badly stubbed one of my small toes on my right foot last night. I'm sure it's at least bruised if not broken (it's not a great color and it hurts). I was going to run on it today but after walking to check the mail I changed my mind. We also had tornado warnings most of the day that may have kept me indoors anyway. The last straw was traffic. I thought about going out for a run later in the day but the traffic is bad between 3:30-6. So it was zero miles and toes, tornadoes and traffic.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
5 mile Starbucks run
Today I did the 5 mile Starbucks run. I didn't push the pace but ran faster than a long run pace. I was not as sore as I thought I might be following the 27 miles.
Up next: 12 miles tomorrow.
Friday, February 25, 2011
27 miles: 5 hour energy.
Today I think I ran about 27 miles. This was my first ever training run longer than a marathon. It felt good. I was glad when I was done but think I could have done more if needed. The 40 miler is looking doable (at least in good weather).
The plan was for about 24 miles when I left the door but it was overcast, cool and I had the time. I ran for 5 hours 6 mins, timed using a watch as my new gps iPhone is not here yet. I had one pit stop and little walking (same as first two marathons). My pace was probably faster than my first marathon 4 hr 54 mins but a bit slower than my second 4:44.
Since I think I was running faster than my first marathon and that was 26.2 miles in 4:54; I think today's 5:06 I'm going to call at least 27 miles. It's possible I went further but I don't want to fool myself, so I'll go with 27. I took in 300 calories via 3 tortilla wraps and 360 calories via 4 gels. I had about 2 liters of water.
Up next: I may take tomorrow off and run Sunday and Monday instead. The boy's Oma is here to watch him so I can run Monday.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
About 12 miles; RIP phone
I ran about 12 miles today. It was a good pace run as it was cool and overcast. It took in 0.6 liters of water and no calories. The 24 mile run was pushed till at least Friday:
My phone screen died of old age (1 1/2 yrs). It can be repaired but the cost of repair was $50 less than a new phone (a newer model). So out with the old and in with the new. The new phone is on it's way but is not here yet. So I did today's run based on a previously mapped 12 mile run (part of the reason I map them).
Up next: Hopefully my new phone will be here in time for Friday's run. If not, I might just do a previously mapped 12 mile run twice. It's also possible I will just do a timed 4 hour run and then do the 24 next week.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
5 miles Saturday and 5 free miles on Sunday
Yesterday and today I ran 5 miles. The plan was for 12 on Saturday but yesterday was a very busy family day (work, hair cuts for the boys and visiting friends) and so I cut the run to 5 (with rock music) and increased the pace. Today I could tell I ran less than normal on Saturday because I had a great strong 5 mile run this morning. My overall mileage was less than planned for the weekend but I think things might have evened out a bit by pushing the pace yesterday and really pushing it today.
My right ankle was been a bit sore the last two weeks. This isn't great but my foot is no longer hurting so that's good. I'm not sure you could train for an ultra without pain. The key is the pain is moving around and not staying in one place (that would be bad).
Up next: 24 on one midweek run, 12 on the other. The plan now is 24 on Wednesday and 12 on Friday.
Friday, February 18, 2011
16.5 miles

Today I ran 16.5 miles. It time to bring back the weather reports as anything above 50 seems to impact me. It was 67 degrees and overcast, not bad but very much a change from the upper or lower 30's a week ago. I took in 1.2 liters of water but could have use more. I ran out around mile 12. I'm going to have to put my Camelpak back in my bag for the summer. It adds weight so it's something I do put off.
I felt better during this run as compared to my run on Wednesday. I'm not sure what the problem was there. I did find a new path today (above photo, below around mile 6) that should help provide some shade during summer runs. I knew the path was there but could not figure out where it started (a dead end road), so I jumped a fence to get on the path to figure out how to get where it ended/started.
Up next: 12 mile Saturday and 5 miles Sunday.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
15.5 miles

Today I ran 15.5 miles (1.2 liter of water, 0 calories). It was in the 50's for the first time in a long time for a run. We skipped the 40's it seems this spring. It was not a great run. It started ok but I ended up low on energy and had a stomach ache by the end. I'm not sure what the problem was/is. I didn't sleep all the well last night but that happens a lot. I don't think I eat anything weird.
Oh well. Rest day tomorrow and 16.5 on Friday.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
5 mile free run
This morning I did the five mile free run (no water, food, electronics). It was a good run despite a sore right ankle (it will get better with rest on Monday). The temperature was perfect (upper 30's). I did have a head wind on the way out I didn't know about until I turned around. It's nice to run 5 miles once a week. It's a short run so that I can really push the pace. I'm going to make more of an effort to push the pace in the last two miles or so of my 12 mile runs on Saturday. I'm not a fan of speed work but know the research shows it really helps.
General plan for this year: The sun is starting to come back to the South. I've been spoiled in running where ever I want this winter and not worrying about finding shade. My plan for this summer, after the Ultra, is to work on running 12 miles as fast I can. Twelve miles is not really speed work but that distance/pace ratio is about as fast I want to run. Running out in the hot sun for 4 or more hours getting ready for an ultra does not seem like the best idea. In the fall, I'll likely do another ultra or marathon. Maybe I can find a good covered trail to run during the summer for long runs, otherwise I'll just do really long runs (15-20) on overcast/rainy days during the summer.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
12 dead leg miles

Well I went 12 miles this morning (0.6 liters of water). I was low on energy both in my legs and body. The run is done. I'll push the pace tomorrow on the short 5 run.
Friday, February 11, 2011
The plague, the blizzard, and the 22.1 miler

Today I ran 22.1 miles. It was my first run since Sunday. My wife came down with something she was calling the plague and it must have been because she stayed home from school on Wednesday and that never happens (think Hermione from Harry Potter). We also kept our son home from school because of a coming blizzard (for the south) and I wasn't feeling 100%. I didn't run my scheduled 22 mile Wednesday run. Thursday, I was down and somewhat out. I probably could have run but thought a day of rest was a better idea. So today I ran. I'm still not 100% but was close enough.
Anyway, I knew I would need more water than I had been carrying (1.2 liters) for this long run and so I filled up my extra water bottle and stuck that in my bag. However, when I went for my first drink around mile five I discovered I had not filled up my normal bottles. Hence, I was out for a 22 mile run and I only had 1/2 liter of water. I'm a big water drinker, so I knew that was not going to work but I was afraid if I went home to fill them up I might not go back out since I'm not feeling 100%. I changed my planned route so that I could pass by a city water source I knew was open in the winter (around mile 11).
For this run I also added solid food. I had a banana and some pretzels to go along with 2 gels. The point was, in part, not to get too hungry but also to practice eating solid food; something I will likely be doing in ultramarathons.
My running app for my iphone, Runmeter, just got an update. It must have slightly better battery management because it lasted long than it had in the past. I was worried it was going to run the battery down before I got home, so I ran to the park where I knew I could run mile laps (mile 17-19) and then 3 miles home if it did cut out. However, my phone lasted for the entire run. I got to 22 miles and kept running for a bit but then changed my mind and walked the rest of the way home for a cool down.
Up next: 12 miles on Saturday (this could be interesting, I'm sure I'm going to be sore).
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Quick 5
I did the five mile Starbuck run this morning. I did take music along this time so it wasn't an electronic free run. It's probably good to do this faster paced but short run once a week.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Monthly review for January

My previous 30 day average on Jan 1 was 105 miles and my 30 day average on the 31st was 198 miles. I did for the first time ever go over 200 miles in 30 days (the 29th and 30th). Generally it's not recommended to increase that quickly but I was still fit from training for the marathon. I've posted my total graph (below) since really getting back into distance running. For the last 2 years or so I had just been running about 15-25 miles a week (if at all).
One thing I've learned is I finally do lose weight running when I hit about 180-200 miles per month. I may have doubled my mileage but I've more than doubled my hunger. I try to feed that hunger but I'm still losing weight.
February preview: I will be doing my first ever training runs this month that are over 20 miles by design. If all goes as planned, my longest runs this month will be 22 and 24 miles. My moving 30 day average should hit a high of 211 but I'll finish the month around 200. So this month is not really about adding miles in general as much as it is about doing really long runs (over 20). I'm building towards doing two 30 mile training runs before the 40 mile Strolling Jim.

I ran 12 miles this morning (1 liter of water and 0 calories). It felt like a great run and that I was flying until I turned a corner and headed into the wind, that changed things. It was cold and rainy at the start of the run and ended up just being cold.
Up next: 5 mile Starbucks free run on Sunday.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Today I ran 16.1 miles. It was a cold, average run. My feet hurt (just general soreness) today after about 13 miles. I took in 1.2 liters of water and 0 calories.
Up next: I started this Ultra Training Schedule I created without building in any down weeks which most authors suggest after 3-4 weeks of building up. I figured I would let the down weeks come to me. This week is going to be a down week after today. I am likely going to take Thursday and Friday off. Work is crazy busy this week (that's right, crazy busy not just busy) as I'm wrapping up and starting some new work at the same time.
I do hope to do a monthly review for last month soon.
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