Today I ran 16.5 miles. It time to bring back the weather reports as anything above 50 seems to impact me. It was 67 degrees and overcast, not bad but very much a change from the upper or lower 30's a week ago. I took in 1.2 liters of water but could have use more. I ran out around mile 12. I'm going to have to put my Camelpak back in my bag for the summer. It adds weight so it's something I do put off.
I felt better during this run as compared to my run on Wednesday. I'm not sure what the problem was there. I did find a new path today (above photo, below around mile 6) that should help provide some shade during summer runs. I knew the path was there but could not figure out where it started (a dead end road), so I jumped a fence to get on the path to figure out how to get where it ended/started.
Up next: 12 mile Saturday and 5 miles Sunday.

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