Today I ran 20.1 miles (2 liters water, 360 calories, 1 Endurolyte). It went fairly well considering I ran 30 miles 5 days ago. I knew I was going to run closer to twenty miles than thirty, so the goal was to run hills. We don't have great hills around here but I ran all the good hills I could find. I felt pretty good running up all of them. My legs did get tried starting around mile 17. I don't know if that was from the hills or from the big run a few days ago, likely both I guess.
By mile 19 I was considering going for 30. However, my shoes had gotten wet (it was raining on and off) and it felt like I had a few pre-blister hotspots developing. I really don't want to get a blister now and so I kept to the original plan and just ran the 20. I said this would be a down mileage week and I'm trying to stick to that plan. I know sometimes less is better but that is not always easy to believe.
Up next: Friday and Saturday likely 12 each and 5 on Sunday.
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