I was scheduled for 12 miles today and 19 miles next Saturday. However, my wife has a field trip next weekend so I reversed the order of the long runs. I woke up knowing I was going to go for 20 and not 19. This will allow me do four 20 milers before the marathon instead of three. So I'm now on a schedule of 20 miles for a long runs followed by 12 mile long runs the following weekend. After the last of the four 20 milers I start the taper towards the marathon.
It was cool at the start but ended in the low 80's and sunny. This is a vast improvement over the summer runs but still warmer than I want it for a run. I took 4 Hammer's Montana Huckleberry gels (360 calories), 5 Endurolytes, 1.9 liters of Gatorade (400 calories), and 3.0 liters of water.
I measure my runs with Runmeter an App for the Iphone. The problem today was the app shut off without me knowing it just before mile 19 because my phone battery was low. The music was still playing so I thought the app was still running. Runmeter announces every mile so I added extra distance because I thought I wasn't at 19. I needed to be at 19 before heading straight home to be sure I got to 20. After enough distance I knew something had to be wrong and found out the App shut off at mile 18.9; my phone shut off before I got home.
I passed a group of high school boys around mile 18 in the park. I figured they would yell something since I hear "run, Forest run" at least twice a month. I planned to flash them the peace sign if they did. It happened, and I heard the "run, Forest run" shout. However, after 18 miles my brain and hand came out with the "Live long and prosper" hand sign instead.
Overall: It was a good run. From the waist up I felt fine and in good shape at the end, however my legs were dead and got a good workout.
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