Hanover weather
Sunday, January 30, 2011
5 mile free run
Saturday, January 29, 2011
12 miles

Well today I went 12 miles. I'm worn out, as you can see because I stopped as soon as I got to 12. I ran most of it but did walk for a bit at times. I'm thinking of reducing my miles this Friday from 16 to 5 because it will be a busy work week and I feel like I could use a down mileage week. I took in zero calories and 1.2 liters.
Friday, January 28, 2011
12.1 miles

I ran 12.1 miles today (goal was 12 +/- 0.5 to get me to 32 miles of midweek long run miles). I took in about 0.6 liters of water but no calories. Twelve miles is becoming an odd distance to think about because on one hand it is starting to seem like a short run but on the other hand it's twelve miles. Anyway, it was a bit warmer today so that was nice. I had one serving of Recoverite after the run. I may cut back to using it just twice a week instead of three times. It does seem to help but it's not cheap, cutting back will extend the supply.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
20.2 miles

Today I ran 20.2 miles. The goal was 20 +/- 0.5 miles. I took in 190 calories via 2 gels and 1.2 liters of water. It was a wet muddy mess out there as we got rain and snow last night. Overall, it was a good run. I took Hammer's Recoverite right after the run.

Sunday, January 23, 2011
A good 5 Starbucks free run.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
12.2 miles

Friday, January 21, 2011
14.8 miles, 0.5 of those with a dog.

Today I ran 14.8 miles (the goal was 15 +/- 0.5). It was cold (lower 20's). I think I'm starting to become more southern over time. It felt like my leg muscles were affected by the cold as I felt stiff but not in a sore muscle way. It wasn't an easy run. I was fairly tired by mile 11. I took in 1.2 liters of water and 90 calories via 1 gel.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
About 15 miles
Monday, January 17, 2011
5 mile starbucks run (Sunday)
Saturday, January 15, 2011
12.2 miles around town

Today I ran 12.2 miles. It was my third run since Wednesday of 12 or more miles. My legs are tired. I was considering cutting back on the miles for this run because I was still sore but I figured the ultra is not going to be easy and thus I went my scheduled 12 today. My general rule and one that most support is that as long as the pain is not joint or sharp pain you can run. Since I'm just sore, I figured I could run. (I took in about 1 liter of water but 0 calories).
Friday, January 14, 2011
13 miles

Today I ran 13 miles. I didn't take in any calories but had about 0.8 liters of water. It was a bit warmer than the last run (but still below 32) so that was good. I did have to stop to run an errand at the bank around mile 2.5 (I guess I did run this errand).
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
17.3 miles

Today I ran 17.3 miles. I set out only knowing I was going to go more than 16 miles (my last "long" run). It was very cold and the roads and sidewalks made running hard. I probably should have worn long pants and not shorts (it's in the mid 20's). It looked warmer from inside the house.

Monday, January 10, 2011
0 miles, My rough training plan outline
General training plan outline:
Since my best days for long runs are Wednesday and Friday using set plans found elsewhere is out. Those plans assume your long runs (12 plus miles) are on the weekends or at least two days in a row. The key to marathon training and likely Ultramarathons is the long runs. So that is my main focus here:
1) The basic set up is going to be a two week module (call them week A and B) that I just repeat over and over and add miles each time I repeat it. Week A will be one really long run and one shorter long run and the following week (week B) I'll do two medium distance long runs. For example, in the middle of my training Week A might include long runs of 25 miles and 15 miles and the following week B might be long runs of 20 and 20. So for each week in the module the long runs will add to the same total miles (40 in this example) and when I start a new module I will add a bit to the mileage total for the long runs.
2) After reading what I can find on the internet and asking the advice of Trail Slammer (He finished four major 100 milers in one year), I'm planning on making my longest training run about 30 miles. He said he would not do much more than that even training for a 100 mile race.
2) The other runs will be 12 miles or shorter. The general plan is to run about 5 on Tuesday, 12 on Saturday and 5-6 on Sunday. The goal is to run 5 days a week, taking Monday and Thursday off (Thursday being a big work day). I'm not going to 100% stick to those distances, I may reverse Saturday and Sunday distances for example based on the weather and the family schedule.
3) My guru, Hal Hidgon, suggests taking a step back in mileage every third to fourth week and I think it's a great idea. Instead of building these breaks into a plan I will let them come to me. I know my wife will have some weekends trips and my kid is likely to get sick and I might need to skip a midweek run or cut it short for all sorts of reasons. I don't want to plan breaks in running on a good day to run only to be following by a week of forced cut backs. If I find my body really getting run down due to not taking breaks I'll likely skip the tuesday treadmill run to reduce the mileage total for that week.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
5 mile Starbucks run
Saturday, January 8, 2011
9.3 miles

Today I ran 9.2 miles (the goal was at least 8). This run was a bit slower pace wise than yesterday's 16. It was snowing and windy and I was a bit tired in the legs. However, overall, it was a good to be out running again. My foot still hurts a bit but it seems to hurt less the more I run (getting numb or running on my foot a different way?). I took in 1.2 liters of water and 0 calories.
Friday, January 7, 2011
16 miles

Thursday, January 6, 2011
5 mile Starbucks run

Tonight I ran to Starbucks and back (no water or calories). I'm not sure why I call this the Starbucks run. There is a Starbucks where I turn around and head back home but I could call it any number of things that are downtown. I guess I call it the Starbucks run because they have the public bathroom and when you run in a town knowing where the bathrooms are is half the battle.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
7 mile run but signed up for my first Ultra
Sunday, January 2, 2011
12.3 miles and more dog "Fun"