Hanover weather

Sunday, February 13, 2011

5 mile free run

This morning I did the five mile free run (no water, food, electronics). It was a good run despite a sore right ankle (it will get better with rest on Monday). The temperature was perfect (upper 30's). I did have a head wind on the way out I didn't know about until I turned around. It's nice to run 5 miles once a week. It's a short run so that I can really push the pace. I'm going to make more of an effort to push the pace in the last two miles or so of my 12 mile runs on Saturday. I'm not a fan of speed work but know the research shows it really helps.

General plan for this year: The sun is starting to come back to the South. I've been spoiled in running where ever I want this winter and not worrying about finding shade. My plan for this summer, after the Ultra, is to work on running 12 miles as fast I can. Twelve miles is not really speed work but that distance/pace ratio is about as fast I want to run. Running out in the hot sun for 4 or more hours getting ready for an ultra does not seem like the best idea. In the fall, I'll likely do another ultra or marathon. Maybe I can find a good covered trail to run during the summer for long runs, otherwise I'll just do really long runs (15-20) on overcast/rainy days during the summer.

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