Hanover weather

Sunday, December 15, 2013

3.75 miles: A run

Today I ran 3.75 miles. Decent run given the lack of running I have been doing.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

6 miles: Back at it

Tonight I went for a 6 mile run. It went ok given the amount of time I have taken off.  Work is very busy right now and so most runs for the rest of this month will be short and somewhat scattered (I think).

Sunday, November 17, 2013

14.25 Miles: bike ride and run break

Instead of running the Philly Marathon - I slept for 9 1/2 hours and then went for a 14.25 mile bike ride with my pop.  Good ride - forgot how fun that can be.

I'm taking at least a week off of running to let my legs get better.  

Saturday, November 16, 2013

5 mile: Canal run along the Delaware

Tonight I ran 5 easy miles along the Canal trail. Very nice and easy paced run.

5.2 mile hike

Today I did a 5.2 mile hike with my pop. We started slow but picked up the pace after a bit. Good hike.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

5 Monday and 4 on Wednesday

Monday I ran 5 mile around the soccer fields and Wednesday I ran 4.  Last runs before the trip to North.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

10 miles: Sunday morning

The best time to go on a run in Franklin is mid-morning on a Sunday. I mostly have the trails, sidewalks, and parks to myself. Nice run.

6.5 Miles (Saturday): Crowded

Yesterday I ran 6.5 miles. I forgot how crowded Franklin roads can be on the weekend. The local soccer fields are great most of the time but on the weekend they are crawling with kids/parents and minivans.  Decent run. Photo from Friday's run.

Friday, November 8, 2013

7.5 miles: Scaring each other

Today I ran over to the park across town and ran back home. This was an uneventful run until near the end when I came around a hill in a park and almost tripped over this guy. We scared each other but both stopped to turn around and give each a look over. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

5 (tuesday) and 6 miles (thursday).

Tuesday I ran 5 miles around the soccer fields and today I ran 6. The kid was home sick from school on Wednesday (he is fine now) and so that run got canned.  Legs still telling me not doing the full marathon is a good idea. I'll be giving them time off after this run.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

9.3 miles: Here comes the half

This morning I ran 9.3 miles. My left leg is better. The right leg doesn't hurt where it did but now hurts on the outside of my right hip. Running more than I did today would not have been helpful.

I'm doing the half at the Philly Marathon. I run for fun and at this point running the half is exciting and fun. I could run the full but I'm sure I would not have fun right now.

10.2: Decent run (Saturday)

Saturday I ran 10.2 miles. My wife and kid dropped me off across town and I ran home from there. My legs were sore but I had some good stretches of running. My left leg was feeling much better.

Friday, November 1, 2013

7.6 miles: borderline

Today I ran 7.6 miles. It was on the border of being too warm and a nice day at the same time.  It was also a borderline run in that there were good and bad signs for the upcoming run.  The longer run this weekend is what is important at this point.

I ran over to the park across town and did a loop there before heading home. This is a new section of sidewalk.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

5 and 5: Annoying warmth to rain.

Yesterday I ran 5 miles and it was sunny in the upper 70s at the time. Today I ran 5 miles in the rain and driving wind. Today was a better run.  

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

5 and 13: Fading.

Thursday of last week I ran 5 and then Sunday I ran 13. Took some time off to let my legs get better.

Doing a 5 later today, will see how that goes.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

13.1: Fold it in Half

Today I ran the 4 Bridges half marathon (2:14). I was signed up for the full but that was not happening as my legs (mainly quads) are sore (from the Two Bear?).

I decided around mile 9 to do the half this year. Once I made that call I picked up the pace and ran the last 4 at a good sub-marathon pace.  This was a good pace training run for the Philly Marathon. The good thing about switching to the half is I should be able to run this week and do a 20 mile training run in the next two weeks.

Monday and Wednesday: 3 miles (roughly) each.

Monday and Wednesday I ran about 3 miles each day. My legs were sore and I was giving them time off.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

3 miles Thursday and 9 Saturday

I ran 3 at night the other day and 9 this morning. The nine this morning were good pace wise but my legs are just not right. This next marathon should be interesting.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

5.5 miles Friday, 5 miles Monday and 12.2 today: Trashed

I have little idea why but my legs are trashed. My running is not getting better, the last few runs have all been on sore legs. Today I thought might go better since I took two days off but not so.

Not sure if I need to run more or less, I'll likely go with less since I'm close to the next marathon already.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

11.8 miles Sat, 4.5 miles Mon, 6 miles Tue and 10 miles today

I have been slacking on updating my running blog.

I've done a bunch of below average runs lately, today's run was a bit better. The key will be the ~20 mile run this weekend.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

~10.5 miles: A run around Franklin

I moved this run to this morning because it was cooler than yesterday. It still was humid  (+90%) but at least it was not as warm.  Legs still are suffering a bit from the marathon. Ok run with a good last mile.

My GPS was acting up today. I know I ran at least 10 but less than 11. The 10.5 is a guess.

6 miles (Wednesday): Loops

Yesterday I was planning on running 10 miles or so but I got sick of the warm weather and humidity and cut the run short.  Decent six miles.

Monday, September 23, 2013

5 miles: Fall is coming

This morning I ran 5 miles. It looks like fall has shown up when it should this year. The weather is getting to be decent in the morning.  Good 5 mile run around the local area.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

12.6 miles (Saturday): Good and tired legs

Yesterday I ran 12.6 miles around town. The first 8 miles or so went well as the sun was hiding and it was cool for this time of year. The sun came out for the last 4 miles and my legs felt like I had just run a Marathon.  I'm very ready for fall.

Friday, September 20, 2013

3 Miles: Mountains to a parking lot

I ran tonight for the first time since the marathon.  A good steady paced three mile run around our less than scenic housing parking lot. Oh boy. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Two Bear: Many chipmunks.

Sunday I ran in the Two Bear marathon. I finished the race but not as fast as the last time I ran it. I'm not sure exactly why I was not able to go as fast. I am in better shape.  I got dehydrated as it was warmer than last year and I may not have taken in enough liquids in the first 12 miles or so. I think I didn't notice how much I was sweating because the sweat was actually evaporating for a change.

It was a fun run and my legs are very sore two days later. It was a very good workout for the fall marathons. If I hope to do well in this run in the future, I'll have to run more hills. The relatively flat part of Franklin I live in does not cut it for getting ready for mountains.

This time I ran for many of the miles without seeing anyone else. I did see the two girls in bear outfits and probably over a 100 chipmunks. I did not see any real bears during the run although I did see two bears on the east side of Glacier National Park the next day. They were not very far away but far enough not to be able to get a good picture of them with an iPhone.

I'll be back to run this again, I'm not sure if it will be next year or not.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

3 km: last run

Today I did my last run before the Two Bear Marathon. This short run was even a cut from the planned short run. My legs did not feel as rested as I had hoped.  As planned, I'll be taking off the rest of today, Friday and Saturday. My legs will be good to go on Sunday.

It's hard to predict how this marathon will go as compared to last year.  I am in better shape for sure but last year I had a very good day. It's very possible to be in better shape but just have one of those off days. If I do have a good day, I think I can beat last year's time by 10 minutes so.

Goal 1: Finish without getting hurt and have fun.
(I saw a number people trip on the trail part last year.)
Goal 2: Beat last year's time.
Goal 3: Beat last year's time by more than 10 minutes.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

~6.5 Km: Soccer field loops

Today was the first day of a real taper run in that normally I would have run further than I did. I did not take a GPS as to avoid trying to go too fast but just kept what felt like a good pace. The humidity was bad of course.

The forecast for Whitefish looks good for Sunday. The low should be around 12 C (~54 F) and the high should be around 28 C (~82 F) with only a 10% chance of rain as of now. While that is warmer than I would like,  it will be the coolest and least humid long run I've done in months.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

8 Km run around the complex

Tonight I ran loops in our housing complex. I just ran at a natural pace and without a GPS unit.  My pace was good and it improved a bit with each mile without me trying to do so.  It was a good run but very very humid.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

17.8 km: Extremely good run and great pictures.

This morning I left the house about 45 minutes before the Sun came up. I ran a very fast paced 17.8 km. I stopped to take a lot of pictures today but even doing that this was one of my fastest runs of this distance in a long time.  

I had a 5 km stretch in the middle where I likely would have broke my 5k record. The temperature was fine but it was rather humid (as normal).

Time to start a true taper for the Marathon next week.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

8 km: free run loop into town and back

This morning I did a loop run into Starbucks and back.  I didn't take my phone or GPS. I just did a free run with the clothing I am thinking of wearing for the marathon. It was a great paced run with a lot of sweat. The temperature was fine but it was rather humid.

Friday, September 6, 2013

22.5 km: A great pace for 14, a relaxed 8.5.

Today I ran 22 km. It was 26 C and sunny at the end. The first 14 km or so went very well, my pace and energy levels were great. The Sun really started to heat the day and this slowed me down a bit plus I just backed off the pace some because I want to do a 16-18 km or so run on Sunday before starting a week long taper before the Two Bear Marathon.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

8.1 km: Easy eight

Today I ran 8.1 km. I took it easy today because the heat seemed worse than it actually was (not that it was good) and I want to do a middle distance run tomorrow morning at a good pace.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

13.2 km: Very good

This morning I ran a high paced 13.2 km run.  I did the first 8 km or so by running loops and then did the rest on local roads.  It was a bit cooler (23C) and less humid (not still not great). This was the type of run that makes me feel good about where I am with running right now.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

6.1 km: Up the pace

Today I ran 6.1 km. This shorter but up tempo run was due in part to a busy week day and in part by not getting out the door sooner.

Decent run overall.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

32.2 km: Steady rain and run

This morning I ran 32.2 km. It was my last long distance run before my first fall marathon in two weeks.  I was a bit worried going into the run as my last few runs have not been good at all.

It turned out the run was great. It helped a lot it was cooler (21C) and that there was a steady rain and a cooling wind. The goal heading into this run was to run at a steady pace. I did just that and even picked up the pace slightly for the last 8 miles or so when I could tell the run was going well. It was the fastest of my three 32.2 km (~20 mile) runs this training cycle.

4 km run (Saturday)

Yesterday afternoon I ran 4 km. It was a bad run. The humidity was high and my son had just forced me to take him to the ice cream shop. It's possible I had too much ice cream before this run. 

Friday, August 30, 2013

8.3 KM: Metric conversion

Today I ran 8.3 km and the temperature at the end of the run was 28C.  In order to get better at judging and estimating distances in the metric system I have switched all my running apps to the metric system. I am doing the same for the weather and weather apps. I'm not doing this forever, just maybe for a year or so. I will do write-ups of the marathons in miles since that is the system used for the race.

The antibacterial drugs I am taking for the next few days have been making me tired. I finally got smart running wise and took my morning dose after my run rather than before.

Feeling better and legs feel good. Hope to get in a long run this weekend.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

5.4 miles (Tuesday): When it rains, it pours and then a root canal.

Tuesday I ran 5.4 miles. I started to finally feel better and then my tooth really started to hurt. Turns out I needed a root canal. I got that done and I'm out of action for the rest of the day. I'll try to get a good run in tomorrow and get back on track here.

6 miles (Sunday)

Sunday afternoon I ran 6 miles. Decent run, not great.

Friday, August 23, 2013

5 hot miles

Today I ran 5 miles around the park. It was humid, sunny, and hot. I feel better, but not great.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

3.4 miles that did not flu by.

Today I sort of ran 3.4 miles. Tuesday the boy and I were both sick and so I ran 0 miles. Yesterday (0 miles) repair people were here all day long fixing a sick AC system and today I feel maybe 75%.  I went 3+ just to get out.

I'm not sure what I have but the kid has it too. Cold/flu like stuff. Not really bad but not great for running.

This week so far is exactly why I do not plan down weeks. They are a good idea in your training but I tend to just let them happen as the come. It will be fine and maybe even good If everything is back to normal in a few days.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

3 complex miles

Yesterday afternoon (Monday) I ran a quick three miles around the complex. The distance was more about my workload than my energy level. Busy day. Decent run.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

22.5 miles: Natchez Trace Parkway and Status

Yesterday I ran 22.5 miles. I ran from home to the Natchez Trace Parkway (about 8 miles) and then ran south on that road for the next 14.5 miles. This was a very hilly run, especially compared to my normal flat loops. I took in about 2.5 liters of water, 4 Hammer gels, 1 Hammer energy bar and 2 Perpetuem Solids. The temperature was in the upper 70s and it was rather humid.

My pace was much slower than my last twenty miler but I was also carrying about 3.5 liters of water (7.7 pounds), there were more hills, and I wasn't sure how far I would be running. This doesn't bother me as it was a hard workout and the point was the hills not the speed. I lost about 9.5 pounds during this workout, so I know it was one heck of a workout.

The plan was to run to the Trace and call my wife for a pick up at mile 20. The problem was there was no cell coverage at mile 20 and so I just kept going until I could text her. After she was on her way I kept running until I found a good stopping spot at mile 22.5.

Running review/preview:

This is a chart of my 30 day moving actual average milage total and my projected total.  You can see I was restarting from zero. I was sick and then hurt my toe this spring and was starting from very little of a base.  Ramping up from 0 to 200 miles in two months is something someone just getting into running should not do, it has been fine for me since I have a longer base of running and have run that much before.

Now that I am at about 200 miles run in the last 30 days I'll be working more on speed since I am done adding miles. You can see I will taper a bit for each marathon as my mileage drops right before hand with the biggest drop before the Philly marathon. 

Friday, August 16, 2013

6.4 miles: Starbucks plus run.

Today I ran 6.4 miles. I did the Starbucks and back run with some extra distance thrown in here and there. Good run after the first mile or so. It was a natural pace run as I did not try to push the pace or slow down by design.

The timing of my long run this weekend is up in the air but the route is coming together nicely. I'm looking forward to it.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Running update

I have just determined in the past 30 days I have run 168 miles. A year ago today, I had run 67 miles in the previous 30 days. So yes, I should be in much better shape heading into the fall marathon season.  Miles don't exactly equal speed but they will help with endurance.

I'll max out around a 30 day moving average of ~ 200 miles. Once I am there I can focus on speed since I will no longer be running adding miles.

10.6 miles: Not the best time to run

Today I ran 10.6 miles around town. I broke my pattern of running loops at the soccer fields on weekday mornings because the bathroom there was closed and a few other people were on my track (I normally have it to myself.)

So instead I did a side of the road run. I was reminded why I have been running in loops. The morning drive-to-work time is not the best time to run on the roads. There are way too many cars and trucks. 

Overall - it was a good run. I didn't push it because I have to get a lot of work done and I didn't want to be worn out for the rest of the day.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

6.2 miles: Sauerkraut power?

After yesterday's poor run I refueled with a dinner of sauerkraut, potatoes, and green beans. Today I had a great 6.3 mile run around the soccer fields. It also probably helped I got a good night sleep and it was much cooler this morning (mid 60's).

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

7.5 miles: Low energy, below average run

Today I ran across town to a park, did a mile loop and ran home. When I was getting ready to go it was cloudy and raining. Sadly for during the run it was not raining and the Sun was out. I had low energy for most of the run. My pace was rather slow.  Just one of those days. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

3.4 miles: variable speed run

Today I went 3.4 miles. I walked some, did some at a long run pace, some at 5k pace and some nearly sprinting.  My hamstrings are a little sore from pushing the pace Saturday.  The new pattern seems to be running 6 days out of the week (M-Sat) and then taking Sunday off.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

15 miles: Mack Hatcher

Today I ran 15 miles around Franklin. The plan heading out the door was for at least 12 (what's on my rough training outline) but I knew I'd be going at least 14 based on my likely route.

I took Mack Hatcher around town (Franklin's bypass) as there is a new sidewalk alongside parts of it and I wanted to check it out.

Very good run overall. My pace was about 35 seconds per mile faster than last week's 20 miler. It was very humid but decent temperature wise (mid-upper 70's) and the Sun was hidden for most of the run.

Around mile 10 (end of the bypass) I selected a route home. If it didn't rain I'd do 15 and if it rained and cooled me off I do closer to 20 by doing some loops at the soccer fields. It didn't rain.

Summary: running is going very well right now. I am ahead of where I was last year at this time in both miles and pace. It is partially because of the much cooler summer but also just from being in better shape.

Friday, August 9, 2013

5.5 miles: An alternative to zero

Today I jogged 5.5 miles. I was debating taking a day off after running four in a row and ahead of a planned Saturday long run but decided instead just to do an very easy run as a way of getting in some exercise but without wearing myself out.  

It was a good easy/slow run. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

10 miles: Clouds!

Today I ran 10 miles. The plan heading out the door was for 5 but it was not hot (upper 70's) and very cloudy and so I took advantage of the good summer conditions to get some extra miles in.  Good run.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

4 miles: Beating the storm

Today I ran 4 miles around the soccer fields. The plan was for five but strong lighting and loud thunder on the way sent me in at four. The storm got here about 5 minutes before I got inside. I love running in the rain, not so much in lighting.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

6 Complex miles

Tonight I ran 6 miles around the complex. It was a pretty good run. The temperature was ok for the summer but the humidity was high. Nice steady pace.

3 miles (monday) and future plans

After taking Sunday off due to stiff legs, I ran 3 miles Monday night. My legs felt decent but my stomach/digestive system was not in the right place for a run when I went and the run turned into much more of a jog/walk.  This doesn't bother me at all. I'm feeling pretty good about where I am right now in my training for the fall marathons. I'm not ready for them now but I'm ahead of where I was last year at this time and my motivation is very high.

Looking into a finding a good 50 miler to run. It will likely be the Le Grizz in Montana in October of 2014 after another Strolling Jim (41 miles) at the start of the summer in 2014.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

20 miles: Good conditions for the summer

Today I ran 20 around the soccer fields.  The plan heading out the door was for 18 however it turned out to be cloudy, in the 70's and a bit rainy. 

I did the first 19 miles at almost exactly the same pace. By design I wanted to hold a certain pace from the start that I knew I could keep up.  The first 15 were pretty good, I was starting to get a bit hot then but it rained and that cooled me off. It was then I made the call to go for 20.  The last mile was my slowest as my legs finally started to give out a bit. Overall it was a great 20 miler considering it was my first in too long. My overall pace was much better than the 16 miler from last week but they are hard to compare as that one was done in near 90 heat, with higher humidity, and much more Sun.

Getting this 20 miler in now is great. It will allow me now to space the next two planned 20 milers out by 14 days, so that I have a bit more time to recover from each.

Friday, August 2, 2013

6.3 miles: Easy not easy

Today I ran 6.3 miles around the soccer fields. It was an easy tempo (pace) run by design and yet the run was not easy. It was generally overcast but the Sun managed to stay out for most of my run and it was 89 degrees. Six miles in summer weather is not easy.

The idea was to take it easy today ahead of the planned long run this weekend and since my legs were a bit tired from the up tempo three mile run last night.

3 miles (Thursday): 2 pounds

Last night I ran 3 miles around the complex. The plan after the first half mile was to either run 4 miles at a comfortable pace or do 3 miles at a pushed pace. I felt like running shorter but faster so I went with the choice of 3 miles. Each mile was faster and the last was at a good clip. I lost about 2 lbs of sweat during this 3 mile run. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

7.6 miles: A river of sweat

Today I ran to the park across town, did the mile loop there, and then ran back.  It was overcast, in the lower 80s but humid. I was soaking in sweat by mile 3 but had a decent run overall.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

6 miles: Good

Today I ran 6 miles around the soccer fields. The plan was for 5 but it was cloudy, in the upper 70s, and I had time for another mile and so I ran it.  Good run. It was humid but the conditions  were about as good as they get this time of year.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

5 mile Starbucks run

I ran to Starbucks and back. The weather was decent. My legs were tired but overall it was a good pace run.

16 miles (Saturday): 3 part run

Yesterday afternoon I ran 16 miles around the soccer fields. An open bathroom and a water supply kept me at the park rather than running around town. It was sunny and in the upper 80s. It wasn't the ideal time to run but it's what fit the family schedule this weekend.  

The first 10 went well for a summer run. My pace was about what it should be for a long run. The next 4.5 were decent - I slowed down some on purpose and some just because I had already run 10. Overall the first 14.5 miles went well for an upper 80's summer run.  The last mile and a half went slowly. I may have done that distance faster by power-walking rather than doing the slow running crawl I did.

Overall- I'm happy with this run as the goal was the distance and the overall pace was decent given the conditions.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

5 miles (Friday): Best

Friday afternoon I had a very good run around the soccer fields.. I ran the first two miles at a 5k place and then did periods of faster and slowing running for the next 3. It was warm and sunny but not awful (just merely bad).

Thursday, July 25, 2013

5 miles: Better

This was a decent run for the summer. It had to go better than yesterday but it also helped in was in the mid 80's and with lower humidity than normal.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

3.2 miles: Worst run of the year candidate

The plan was to run 5 miles. My energy levels were ok the first mile but dropped to near zero after that.  The next run has to be better.

5 hot miles (Tuesday)

Yesterday afternoon I ran 5 miles around the soccer fields. It was 90 degrees, given the heat it was an ok run.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

14.5 Miles: Oh the humidity of it all.

This morning I ran/walked 14.5 miles in loops at the local soccer park. I covered the distance. It was not very pretty. It was warm and humid and less fun than it could have been if it was 50 degrees cooler. If it was like this all year long I'm certain I would not be a runner.

Starbucks runs (Wednesday and Thursday)

Wednesday and Thursday morning I did the Starbucks run. The humidity was awful.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

5.5 miles: Soccer field loops.

This morning I ran 5.5 miles around the local soccer fields. It was crazy humid. I didn't run all that fast and looked like I had fallen in a pool since I was very sweaty.  I can't wait for winter.

4 Miles: Local run (Monday)

Monday I ran 4 miles around the local area instead of heading into town since it was morning rush hour when I got out the door. Less than average run but not awful.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

4.5 Humid miles

This morning I did the loop into Starbucks and back. I did the loop to stay off the grass I have to cross instead of the normal 5 mile run. I didn't feel like getting soaking wet feet again this morning. Ok run - very humid.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

10 miles: off running week.

The evening run planned for Friday got canceled because our AC unit when out and we had to get a new unit installed. It took much longer than I thought it would.

So this morning I went for a longer run. I had planned to run on the grass around the soccer fields and so wore my trail shoes. However, they were watering the fields and the grass was soaking wet, so instead I ran on the gravel road around the soccer field.

This past week was not great for running. The coming week should be great. The plan is to run everyday between now and Friday when I will do a long run in the morning.

3 miles (Thursday)

Thursday night I ran 3 miles. The plan was to take off Monday and Tuesday and to restart running Wednesday night. The problem there was a bad storm that night and so the run got pushed to Thursday.

It was an odd run because my legs were sore, my toe hurt and my knee was giving me problems. It was odd because I had taken three days off and had no pain during my last run.  The leg and knee pain was not worrying because I could tell it was just one of those odd days and it would go away.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

4 Humid miles

This morning I went 4 miles. I ran the first 2 at a good clip and then walked and ran some before doing the last mile at marathon pace.  It was humid (94%); I'd rather it was raining.

Up next: Two days off. The wife is going on a short trip. The plan was to take off Monday anyway and  I don't feel like doing a treadmill run when another day off might not be so bad anyway. I have ramped up from no miles a week to about 30 quickly. Giving my body a little bit of time to recover from the recent increase is probably not a bad idea - especially if it keeps me off a treadmill.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

12 wet miles

This morning I left the house at 5:50 or so for a 12 mile run. It rained the whole time and it was great. My overall pace was 15 seconds per mile faster than the 10 mile run I did a week ago. So the trend of getting faster is still going.

The weather has been great lately (all rain, little heat) for running. I don't know if my pace will keep dropping if high temperatures finally hit us. However, I'm happy with the pace I am doing the longer runs for this point in the summer. I seem to be ahead of last's years pace at this time (of course, I was doing most of those during the day in the heat).

I took Friday off. My legs were sore from three days of pushing the pace on 5 and 6 mile runs. It was only my second day off in the 14 days since I have started running again since hurting my toe.

Toe update:  I'm not sure I felt it at all today while running. It still hurts a bit when I put my tight fitting socks on and sometimes around the house but things are looking good on the toe pain front.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

6 miles: Faster run

Today I ran six miles early in a steady rain. It was a great run. I got very little sleep but somehow ended up having a very good pace run. This was about 40 seconds per mile faster than yesterday's fairly good 5 mile run.

If current trends continue I should be able to do well this fall.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Early 5 Mile Starbucks run

This morning around 6 I started the Starbucks run. I found the other runners in town. I was wondering when everyone else ran; it's between 6-7 in the morning.  Good pace run, faster than the two Starbucks runs from last week.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

4 miles: Around the complex

Tonight I ran 4 miles around the complex. It was a decent run as I planned only for 4 and so tried to keep my pace up during it. Tomorrow a Starbucks 5.

Toe update: It still hurts, but less than it did. Somedays it hurts more than others but overall the pain is going down.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

10 Miles: Early morning

This morning I ran 10 miles. The plan a few days ago was to go 6 but after doing three 5's in a row, 6 didn't seem like a long enough long run. 

I left a bit before 6 a.m. It was great as it was almost cool. The run went very well. My average pace was just 2 seconds slower per mile than the decent 5 miler I did on Friday.

I see more early morning weekend runs coming.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Fall Marathon triple repeat

The fall marathon plan has come together. I will be doing the same three I did last year (7 Bridges, 2 Bear, and Philly).  The 7 Bridges was not in question as that might be my favorite marathon and is the cheapest to get to by far (Chattanooga - a little over 2 hours).  

The Montana marathon and Philly marathon were in question but in the end I could not help myself and signed up for both.

My goals as of now are:

1) Finish with +/- 20 minutes of my 5:36 time last year in the Montana Marathon. This marathon is a hilly trail marathon, not a rather flat road marathon. I don't know if I can beat my time from last year, that was a good run day for me.

2) Beat my time last year in the 7 Bridges Marathon of 4:31:28 which is my "fastest" marathon time. I think I can do this but will need a good running day.

3) Beat my Philly time from two years ago by finishing under 4:40 but the real goal is to finish in 4:30 +/- 5 mins. 

4) The overall plan is to have fun running in the mountains of Montana and then set a marathon PR in one of the two road marathons.

5.1 miles: Loop into town

Today I ran to Starbucks and back via a loop rather than an out and back. It's the way I prefer to go but part of the loop is a poor running route during morning rush hour. The first few miles were pretty good but the last mile was rough as the mid 80's temps, the Sun and my legs conspired to slow me down.

Friday, June 28, 2013

5 Mile Starbucks Run

This morning I ran 5 miles to Starbucks and back. Overall it was a good run. Toe still hurts but not enough to stop me. It was not as sunny but it was rather humid.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

5 miles: Starbucks run

Today I ran to Starbucks and back. The first 3 or so went fairly well, the last two were rough as it was hot, humid, and I was tired.

1.4 miles: Dental run (Wednesday)

Yesterday I ran 1.4 miles home after a getting dropped off for a dental appointment. Since I am going to take off one day a week, this short run served as a day off.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

4 miles: Build to five.

Decent 4 miles this morning. I'm in a rebuilding mode right now. My lungs are way ahead of my legs.  I prefer this state to the reverse because the legs can be made to suffer but it's hard to keep going without enough oxygen.

Toe update: it feels like an average sized crayfish is stuck on my toe during the run. It's annoying but not enough to stop me.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Summer/Marathon training plan

The training plan for this summer is to average about 20 miles (Tuesday-Friday) by running around 5 miles each morning, followed by long runs of increasing distance on the weekends. The rough idea is to do a 6 mile long run this weekend and extend that by 2 miles each weekend. This would allow me to get in three 20 mile runs before the marathon (which is my normal goal for marathon training). The other run on the weekend would be between 5-10 miles depending on how much time I have and other life factors.

I liked the general idea of the run streak. However, Monday is crazy busy work wise most of the time. So I plan on a six-day a week run streak, thus I will be taking off every Monday after today.

This is the plan anyway. Life will likely cause bends in that plan. 

3 miles: Back out there.

Today was an important run because my toe was not worse this morning then it was yesterday. This was the real test. If my toe was worse, I would not have run. The long-term goal is to be a runner again,  if  running causes the pain to increase per day, that is not sustainable result. 

So I can still "feel" my toe when running but I think I am able to use a normal stride (important so I don't injury myself by running with "bad" form).

I ran around the local soccer fields because it is a flat course. I avoided the minor slope I ran down yesterday that caused more pain. Sitting here typing this I can say that my toe does not hurt more than it did before I ran this morning. So .... it seems I am back.

2 miles: First run back (Sunday)

Last night I ran for the first time since "breaking" (no x-rays) my toe. After looking at the calendar  and working out a rough training plan for my fall marathons - I realized time was short. I needed to know now how my toe was going to respond to a run.

Miles 0-0.75: Pain (2/10) but not bad. I was thinking I made a mistake by not running in the half-marathon.

Miles 0.75-1: Pain (7/10) went way up when I went down a slight slope and my toes went forward in my shoe. I had to stop, make faces and walk for a bit and I thought I might have to walk home.

Miles 1-2: Pain (3/10) the pain went back down. I was able to run the rest of the way home.

Overall: It was a decent test of the toe. The run could have been better but I wasn't stopped by the run test.

0 miles: Franklin Half Marathon

Given that I am still having trouble walking completely without pain I decided against doing the Franklin Half Marathon, instead I volunteered to help with the race. Seems fair since I have run many marathons and have been helped by volunteers but have never volunteered myself.

I ended up being assigned to watch a cross road to make sure cars entering the race course knew to stay on one side of the road and otherwise help how I could from that location.

It was a fairly uneventful day for me. I helped a few runners and talked to some divers about what was going on. Overall, I'm glad I helped. It wasn't the most fun I ever had but it was a decent way to spend a Saturday morning.  

(the car is mine at the intersection I was watching. The runners ran towards where I standing here.)

Friday, June 7, 2013

The tale of the Toe and the Run Streak

Wednesday night a corner of two walls in our house attacked my little toe on my left foot. I was just walking by when - out it reached. I ended up smashing my toe hard against the corner. It hurt a lot and still does when I put pressure on it.

The run streak ended the next day. Thursday and so far Friday it has hurt just to walk normally; running is out for now. As soon as I can walk without a problem I will try to run again but until then, I am on a non-running streak.

3.8 miles (Wednesday)

Wednesday night I ran 3.8 miles. It was a good run around the local area. Of note, I saw a good sized copperhead dead on the road near where I run on trails.  Interesting.

1 mile: Monday and Tuesday.

Monday was a planned short run and Tuesday ended up being one. The Tuesday one mile run was rather good.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

11.3: "Long run"

Today I ran 11.3 miles. There was a time I considered 11 miles an intermediate distance. These days its a long run.  Ok run. Warm and humid, of course, but not awful compared to what is coming.

2 miles Saturday

Saturday night I ran two miles around the complex. A good part of this run streak (running every day) is that some short runs are a must and that allows me to focus on them doing them at a decent and pushed pace. This is good since I don't like doing specific speed work.

I did two miles on Saturday because I have a long run planned for later today after the wife gets back from her workout.

Friday, May 31, 2013

5 mile run

Today I ran into town and back. I'm slowly improving my pace. Today was very humid. Boo.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

5 miles: Starbucks run

This morning I ran to Starbucks and back. Decent run. I may work towards doing this run every (most?) weekday mornings. It's a good way to start the day, a decent distance but without taking up to much of the work day.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

4.5 miles (?): Around the area

This afternoon I ran about 4.5 miles. My GPS app got shut off by mistake around mile 3.  The photo is from the run on Monday.

5 mile Starbucks run (Tuesday Morning)

Thursday morning I ran to town and back. It wasn't the best time to run due to traffic but the work schedule is going to force morning runs.

Monday night: 3 mile run around the complex

Ok run. It's warm all the time now. Boo.

Monday, May 27, 2013

5.4 miles: Water Bill Run (Sunday night)

Last night I ran over the water bill. I took more of a loop approach and it ended up being a bit shorter than normal.

1 mile: Saturday night

A run to kept the run streak alive. Tired from the work trip.

Friday, May 24, 2013

4 miles: A morning run in Iowa

This morning I ran 4 miles in Iowa.  One of the best runs of the last few months.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

2 miles: faster miles

This morning I ran a quick two. It was a great short run. I'm going on another work trip and wanted to get this quick run in today. The run streak is fun right now.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

10.2 miles: Better slow than none

Today I ran 10.2 miles around town. The miles were covered.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

5.4 Sunday and 3.2 on Monday and Tuesday

Work is getting very busy, these posts will likely get shorter if that's possible.

I ran 5.4 on Sunday = Bad (it was 89 degrees).

I ran 3.2 on Monday and Tuesday = Good.

Two good but short runs in a row.  I'll take it.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

1.3 miles: Treadmill

Today I did a 1.3 miles treadmill run. The wife is away so going out for a run is not possible since I'm on full time kid duty.  I will do a longer run tomorrow as she returns tonight.

3.2 miles (Friday)

Friday morning I ran 3.2 miles around the local soccer park. Decent run but hard to focus.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

5 miles: Starbucks run

Today I did the classic run to Starbucks and back. It was and up and down run in terms of pace.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

3 miles: Better pace but hot

Today I ran 3 miles in the local area. My legs were better than yesterday and so was my pace. The plan is for a 5 mile run tomorrow morning.

4.3 miles (Tuesday): Run streak effect?

Last night I ran 4.3 miles around the local soccer fields. My legs seemed dead, maybe a result of the run streak(?).