Hanover weather

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Monthly review for Aug

In Aug I ran about 135 miles, an increase from the 114 miles in July. My weekly milage totals for each week ending in Aug were: 32.9, 26.5, 32.3, 36.8, and 28.3 for each of the Sunday night's in Aug. The number I like to follow the most is a moving thirty day total (see graph):

As of Aug 1st my previous thirty total was 116 miles and was 128 miles on the 31st of Aug. The program I am following for the Nov 21st marathon builds to a maximum 30 day total of 200 miles for one day on Oct 17. The thirty day total is a bit low right now since I ended Aug with one of the down mileage weeks. My 30 day total jumps up to 152 in just 5 days.

My resting heart rate today was 58 (30 seconds x 2). It was 62 a month ago. I don't know if it actually decreased or if I just measured it at the right time but it's nice to see a decrease.

Review: It was good month again as I had fun, did not get hurt, increased my fitness and was not sick at all. It was really hot in Aug and I'm glad it's starting to cool off. The only real problem day was just a few days ago when wet socks caused me to develop a blister on my right foot and I cut two miles off a run. It's nice that I can finally do some running at marathon pace or faster.

Four miles on the treadmill

Ran 4 miles of the schedule 4 for today. I ran the first three at a 10:00 min/mile pace and the last mile at a 9:30 pace. I did have three quick stops to help out the boy but they were each less than 30 seconds. I got the last mile in without having to stop. I took in 0.6 liters of water but no calories.

Up next: 8 miles. I'm going to try running this one outside at night after my wife comes home. I think some of it will be in the dark but I can run around the complex if I need to. I don't want to try to run the 8 miles while also watching the boy.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

8 Miles and some lessons

I had a 10 mile run scheduled for today. I was thinking this was a short run and made a big mistake in not wearing running socks which I normally only wear for long runs and then made another mistake by running across a grass field that was still soaked in morning dew at the start of the run.

The combination of non-running socks and wet shoes lead to me getting a blister on my right foot about the size of a half-dollar. I made another mistake in not checking on it as soon as I felt something happening on my foot; by the time I did check around mile 7 it was a large blister and too late. I tried adjusting my socks but when I started running again I could tell it did not not help.

I made a quick call that two more miles of running just to get them in was not worth the extra growth and damage I would do to the blister spot. I cut off two miles and just headed home.

Lessons learned: Pack extra socks in my pack for long runs (anything that requires me a wear a pack), pack a footpad or duck tape, and always wear running socks. I'll also remember to always check my foot right away. This was something I knew to do but just didn't do it.

**Photo**My wife pointed out the other day that I'm making Franklin look like a running paradise with my photo's. It's not. I might be great if you just ran 5K's because the local parks where I have been taking photo's are great. The roads between the parks are not the best roads for running. This section is a section I must run just about every time I leave our complex. It makes it not worth it if I'm headed out for less than 4 or so miles which is why most of those short runs are done in the complex. Since the run today did not go well, it's a good day for a realistic photo of the running around here.

Friday, August 27, 2010

7 Miles (4 treadmill, 3 outside)

I ran my weekend 7 mile run tonight since it works out best for the family schedule. The boy was out with my wife after she got home so I ran 4 inside (while the sun was still out) and then ran 3 around our complex once the Sun was behind the hill/trees and I was bored with the treadmill. I took one Endurolyte and 1 Mocha Clif shot gel (100 calories w/50 mg of caffeine) during the run (Temperature 82, humidity 60%).

The treadmill workout was done by varying the pace between 10-10:30 min/mile pace for the four miles. I didn't take my GPS iphone on the outside run but I'm guessing that was about a 10:30-11 pace (faster each mile).

Overall it was a good workout. I didn't push it but I didn't back off either.

Up next: Saturday 0 miles, Sunday 10 miles.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Three treadmill miles

This was a fairly straight forward workout. I ran the first mile at a 10 min/mile pace and then varied the speed between 10-9:30 for the next two miles. I did have to stop quickly at mile 2 to tend to the boy but that was about the length of time it would take to wait for a light to change if I was road running. I took in 0.6 liters of water and no calories. I walked a bit after the three miles to cool down.

Upcoming: I'll probably run 7 miles Friday night and 10 miles on Sunday morning due to the family schedule. I might run 3 on Saturday or maybe just take that day off.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

7 treadmill miles

Three steady miles followed by 4 miles of interval work. I started with a 9:30 min/mile pace and increased that pace by one setting (0.1) every mile until I got to three miles with a pace just under 10 min/mile. The rough plan was just to keep doing that increase till I got to 7 miles but the boy started coming in a lot at mile 3, so I switched to intervals.

The interval length was picked by the boy and his needs. The intervals were between 0.25 miles and 0.5 miles in length. I started with intervals at a 10 min/mile pace but got in about 1.5 miles (0.5 miles x 3) at a 9 minute pace and 0.5 miles at a 8:00 min/mile pace for the last 0.5 miles. I was sucking wind at the end of that 8 min/mile pace. It felt good to be able to run that fast (that's fast for me) after 6.5 miles. It did help I was inside (lower 70's), on a treadmill, and was able/had to take short breaks (all under a minute). I walked an extra 0.25 miles as a cool down at a 6% incline.

I drank about 2 liters of water and had 1 Endurolyte during the run. I ate 1 banana during a break (maybe mile 3.5). I ate the banana as practice for ultra's by taking in some solid foods; I had no ill effects from eating it.

Overall: It was a good workout. I know my heart rate was up and I was pushing hard during the last 2 miles worth of intervals.

Up next: 3 miles tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

3.25 treadmill miles

This workout was similar to previous Tuesday/Thursday treadmill runs with just a bit of a difference. I started at a warm-up pace of 9.3 setting (about 11:20 mile/min) and increased it one setting every 0.2 miles until I got to 6.3 (9:31 pace). I then walked for 0.1 miles to get a drink of Gatorade (0.59 liters, 130 calories) and change podcasts playing on my iPhone (it hooks into the treadmill speakers).

I started back up at a 6.3 pace and increased the pace one setting every 0.1-0.2 miles until I got to 6.7 (9 min pace) and held it there until I hit 3 miles. Once I hit the 3 mile mark I dropped back to a 6.0 setting (10 min pace) for 0.25 miles making 3.25 miles in all. I then walked an extra 0.25 miles to cool down.

This is one of the down miles week in my training plan (Hal Higdon's Intermediate two program week 6). I feel like I could run more but the idea is to have an active rest week every third week. It has worked well for me in the past (last two marathons with no injuries) so I will stick with it.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

7.7 mile "swim"

I ran 7.7 miles today but it felt like I was running in water as my legs were sore/heavy/stiff and the humidity was 97%. I actually had a decent pace sub 10:00 for part of it. My water intake was 1.8 liters, I took 2 Endurolytes and I had one Hammer's Montana Huckleberry gel (90 calories). It was sunny at the start but ended overcast. (Photo taken yesterday at about mile 9 on that map and I ran on this path today).

The pre-run snack was water and a Mocha Clif shot gel (100 calories w/50 mg of caffeine). I forgot to grind coffee last night and didn't feel like waiting for my caffeine. The boy woke up again a lot and I tried to sleep a bit longer than normal (without luck).

I really wish I could have a run at 40-50 degrees after a good night's sleep to see where I stand. I know the heat/humidity is slowing me down some but I don't know how much. It seems like most of the time I slow it is due to overheating not my legs or lungs. It's possible I could be in much better shape to hit my target marathon pace (10:00/mile) than I know or maybe not. The good thing is it will cool off here in the fall and the marathon is not till November and in the northeast (philly) so I'll get a much better idea of what kind of marathon shape I am in during late Sept - Oct. Plus, I will get a full nights sleep the two days before the marathon as I'm hanging out at my Pop's house without the boy.

**Distance update: Today's run was exactly the same run I did on Wednesday without a GPS and reported it to be 7 miles and maybe 7.2. It is further from Starbucks to the park than I thought. I'm going to update that post.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

14.4 miles; this is why you train

Today's run pointed out why you just don't go out and run 26.2 miles or beyond without training. It was a hard 14.4 miles. It may have had to do with a lack of sleep (the boy woke up a lot) or it may have just been because it was a 14.4 mile run in August in the south.

Anyway, I took 4 Endurolytes, 1.18 liters of gatorade ( 260 calories), 2.4 liters of water, 1 Hammer's Montana Huckleberry gel (90 calories), and 2 Cliff Shot Razz gel (200 calories). Totals: 550 calories and 3.58 liters of liquid. Three online programs gave me a range of calories burned between 2163-2403 for the run (inputs distance and weight). So subtract out the calories I took in and that leaves between 1633-1850 calories burned will running. It was 84 degrees and 70% humidity at the end of the run. It was overcast to sunny during the run. Pre-run meal: Coffee and two bananas.

Overall: It was a good run because it was hard. Running this far is not always easy but it was fun to be outside (I work from home) and take some new roads (mainly miles 1-5).

Thursday, August 19, 2010

3.5 treadmill miles

This workout was much like the one on Tuesday. I started with about a 11:15 warm up pace and increased the pace one tenth of a setting every 0.1 miles. I got to a 9:00 pace and then dropped it to a 10:00 pace and held it there for about a half of a mile, then I started the 0.1 setting/0.1 mile increase until I got to a 9:00 pace again, once I got to the 9:00 pace I jumped it to a 8:00 pace and held it for a bit before dropping back to a 9:30 until I got to 3 miles (0 calories, 0.6 liters of water, coffee and cereal w/rice milk as pre-run meal).

I then ran at a 10:30 pace as a cool down until I got to 3.5 miles. I got lucky in this workout as I didn't have to stop. The boy came in to check on me twice; so there was no need to check on him.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

7.7 miles

(I update the distance in the title of this post a few days later when I ran the same route with my GPS iphone. )

I ran about 7 miles outside this morning. It was 78 degrees and 99% percent humidity. I drank 1.2 liters of water and took 2 Endurolytes and 100 calories (cliff shot razz gel). There was not evaporation cooling from the sweat. My wife asked if I got rained on when I got back but it was just sweat.

I thought it might rain so I didn't take my GPS iphone. I know it's five miles if I run to Starbucks and back and I ran a 1 mile loop at the park. I'm fairly sure it's about a half mile to the park from Starbucks and thus the run was about 7 miles. I may have gone 7.2 as I added a little extra just to be sure.

It was a good pace run. I tried to go 15-30 seconds per mile faster than what would have been a natural pace. I did get a quick Side Stitch that caused me to walk for about a tenth of a mile. However, it went away and I was back off. It was a bit odd because I rarely get them.

It feels like I am now into the thick of the training. I feel like I'm really training for running when I run 7 miles or more 3 days a week.

Up tomorrow: 3 miles; Friday: 0 miles; Saturday: 14 miles; Sunday: 7 miles

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

3.5 treadmill miles

My wife starts her PhD program today and so I'll be doing most runs on the treadmill midweek. I'm not a huge fan of treadmill running and so I decided to work on speed. I figure the faster I can run the less time I will have on the treadmill plus the more distance I can get in before my son needs me to get more juice or whatever. Also, it will help me improve my speed*.

Today I warmed up by starting slower than my target marathon pace (10:00/mile) and increasing the treadmill setting by 0.1 every tenth of a mile. I got somewhere near a 9 minute pace before I had to stop quickly to get something to entertain the boy (what I'll call him here). I got him a iphone video of dog popping balloons that he watched in the treadmill room the rest of the time.

Once I restarted the treadmill I jumped it to a 9 minute pace for a half a mile and then jumped it to 8 minutes per mile pace for maybe 1/4 mile. I slowed it back to a 9 minute per mile pace until I got to three miles. I then ran 1/2 mile at slower than marathon pace to cool down. Water intake=0.6 liters, O calories.

Overall I covered 3.5 miles faster than I have in a long time and it was a good workout.

Up tomorrow: 7 miles

*I've never been fast. We ran a lot in Korea when I was in the Army and I ran even more with a friend during my last six months there (5 miles most days plus PT training runs). It was where I ran my first half marathon. I was likely in my best running shape then for the two mile test and my best time was just under 14 minutes (7 miles per minute) at age 20. However, Korea is also where I found out I finished more towards the front of pack the further we ran. If you can't run fast, run far.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

7.1 miles

I ran 7.1 miles this morning (6 scheduled). It was 80 degrees, 80% humidity and overcast. I took my handheld water bottle (0.6 liters) and filled it up 3.5 times for 2.1 liters of water intake. I took two Endurolytes and one GU gel (100 calories). I was not planning on eating the gel but felt out of energy at mile 3 (not sore, just tired). I'm not sure if it was mental, physical or both but that gel kicked in about a half mile later and my energy level was up. It may have just taken that long to wake up but I'm giving the gel the credit. (photo above of downtown Franklin around 8 a.m)

I made a deal with myself around mile 5 that if I walked for about an 1/8 of a mile, I would run an extra mile and try to do that last mile much faster. It worked. My last mile was the fastest outdoor mile for me in a long time. I was not trying to go as fast as possible just much faster than normal. I was not sore at all from yesterday's run and that surprised me a bit. The lack of sore feelings in my legs may be due in part to a great meal last night. My wife made sustainable harvest Salmon, organic Quinoa and organic Spinach. I had a carbonated water with it (it makes me think I'm having a beer).

Up tomorrow: Zero miles

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Half Marathon

I ran 13.2 miles (13 scheduled). It was 85 degrees and 74% humidity at the end of the run. It was overcast and mid 70's at the start moving to hazy and then sunny. I drank 3.6 liters of water and 1.18 liters of gatorade ( 130 calories). I took in 270 calories via 3 Hammer's Montana Huckleberry gels and took 4 Endurolytes (400 total calories).

I have been taking my pack with two sides bottles (1.2 liters total) and a Camelbak 3 liter bag within my pack for longer runs. However, this morning I didn't feel like carrying the extra 3 liters of water and took that out and replace it with two bottles of Gatorade. I did have to stop and refill my water bottles twice at local parks (miles 7 and 10) but it was worth it.

Picture taken between miles 3-4 on map.

Overall: It was about what I expected for a long run in the summer. It was hot and I was sweating a lot. My lungs did well and my legs did well for most of the run. I did feel like my legs were heavy during the last two miles. However, my pace during those last two miles was fine for a long run and faster than miles 9-11. My fastest mile was mile three. I was trying to start slow but somehow ran faster each of the first three miles before backing off a bit into a slow long run. I'm very ready for fall weather.

Tomorrow: 6 miles

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Three miles around the complex

I didn't check the weather report at the end of the run but it was hot (80's), humid and sunny. No water or calories taken in during the run, just a simple hot run.

This week has seemed easy overall so far (3, 6, 3). The big run for the week is coming up on Saturday at 13. I hope to leave early to avoid the major heat. Tomorrow's plan is zero miles.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Six miles on the treadmill

I got two steady warm up miles in on the treadmill before having to go check on our son. The next four miles were done at various paces and distances as I briefly had to get off the treadmill a few times (4?) for various tasks (more grapes, more juice, etc).

It was a good interval training day and I got some decent speed on the last mile. It felt good to go faster. I had one Gatorade (0.59 liters) during the run and the typical coffee and banana before the run. Temperature inside was lower 70's and somewhat humid.

The trail run from last week is the gift that keeps giving. I did get some poison ivy on one leg and foot. It's not too bad; I'm glad I washed off in the stream. I'm sure it could have been worse. I think I will stay off that trail until winter.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

three miles on the treadmill

No water or gels, just three miles. Coffee and banana as the pre-run meal. I ran the first mile at a slower warm up pace and the last 2 at a faster pace and did some at a much faster pace. It's looking like the scheduled 6 tomorrow will be on the treadmill as well. I might try to drink Gatorade during that run since that's what the Philly marathon will have at aid stations. Didn't sleep well again last night thanks to our three year old. Hoping tonight is better.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

6 six miles of sleep running

Ran 6 miles this morning around town. It was 75 degrees, 78% humidity and sunny. I drank 1.2 liters of water, ate 100 calories (a gel) and had 1 Endurolyte during the run. I had coffee and a banana before the run.

My son woke up a lot more than normal last night because he is not feeling well. I felt like I was sleep running. Plus my legs were a bit sore from the hills yesterday.

Up tomorrow: zero miles.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

8.5 miles trail and road

Today I ran about 8.5 miles via a combination of trails and roads. It was 78 degrees and 65% humidity at the end of the run. The trail was completely shaded and the road was shaded in spots and sunny elsewhere. The weather was a non-issue, and that was great. I took in 2 Endurolytes and 300 calories during the run via GU gels, one Lemon sublime and two Tri-berry. I was trying these as the Philly marathon has GU gels. They were fine. I had about 2 liters of water but was carrying 4.2 with me. Coffee and cereal with rice milk as a pre-run meal since I woke up early.

The trail was along the Natchez Trace Parkway and the road running was on the parkway. I set out to run on the trail the whole time but the trail got worse and worse and at times was barely passable as it was overgrown with thorny vines and poison ivy (which I get just by looking at the vine). The trail at times was great with a flat soft under foot and other times impossible to run as it was very steep and covered with loose cobbles and exposed roots. I gave up on the trail after a third stream crossing that I didn't feel like doing (below).

I probably "ran" about 3.5 miles on the trail and ran 5 miles on the road. The road running felt great and I likely would have kept running but my shoes and socks were soaked from the stream crossings and laying in the last stream trying to wash off what poison ivy I could. I was worried about getting blisters on my feet from the wet socks but seemed to have escaped that fate. I guess I was just schedule for 8 miles anyway so stopping was ok. I felt great and felt like I could have run a marathon today if I had to. The road was very hilly (well, compared to town) but that is why I picked it. I want to get in more hill workouts.

It was probably not the best pure marathon workout day but rather a good cross training day for my legs and feet by running on different surfaces and at different angles and stride lengths.
I am going to head back to the road part of the Trace for some Saturday or Sunday long runs but will likely avoid the trail until after the marathon. I'll give it another try this winter when the plants die back and I am not directly training for a specific event.

Up for tomorrow: seeing if I can limit myself to the planned 6 miles.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Three treadmill miles

I ran 3 miles this morning on the treadmill. No calories or water during the run but coffee and a banana beforehand. Weather: still a bit humid inside but low 70's with two fans.

When looking for excuses to avoid running outside in the heat today I came up with the following: 1) My foot was very slightly sore this morning. 2) A wanted to run a bit faster 3) I'll need to run more midweek runs on the treadmill starting in two weeks when my wife starts her PhD program so I wanted to get warmed up on it.

It worked. It was nice to run without the heat and I easily went about 1:30-2 minutes faster per mile inside. My foot did not hurt at all running on the treadmill and does not hurt now. The makers of the treadmill claim it reduces the impact by up to 40% as compared to road running. I can believe it. We have the Sole F80. I can recommend it highly as a heavy runner and my light wife loves it too. It's rather quiet for a treadmill and well designed.

On tap: Zero miles tomorrow, 8 for Saturday and 6 for Sunday during this lower mileage week.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A hard six miles

Ran 6 miles this morning. It was 83 degrees, 81% humidity and sunny. I drank 2.4 liters of water, ate 0 calories and had 3 Endurolytes during the run. I had coffee and a bagel before the run.

I ran six miles by running six loops of a one mile loop at a local park. It was already sunny before I got up and didn't feel like dealing with the cars today so I drove over to the park to run. In general, I try to avoid driving to a place to run.

This run was harder than it should have been. It should have been hard given the weather but I felt out of energy at mile three. I didn't take a gel today since I had more calories in my pre-run snack via a bagel instead of the normal banana. I don't think a lack of morning calories was the problem as I was already out of energy at mile 3. It's possible the cause was a lower calorie intake yesterday or overall during the past few weeks. I'm trying to move out of the Cyldesdale running group. I am making progress there.

I did feel a bit better in mile 4 and 5 as I got into some sort of slow running rhythm. However, overall this run was harder than my last Saturday long run of 11.5 miles. Today was one of those days being signed up already for a marathon helps keep you going in training. If I was just going for basic fitness I could have stopped after 3.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

3 miles around complex with some hill repeats

Ran 3 miles this morning. It was 80 degrees, 78% humidity and sunny. I drank 0 liters of water, ate 0 calories and had 0 Endurolytes during the run. I had coffee and a banana before the run. This week is the first step back week on the schedule. A week with less miles than the previous week and a shorter long run. My midweek schedule is T-3, W-6, Th-3 with a weekend of Sat- 8 and Sun 6 miles. I was ok with a short run today anyway since I did not sleep well.

There is a water tower near our complex with a very steep hill leading up to it (around mile 1 on the map). So since I was only running three miles I figured it was a good day for some hills repeats up to the water tower. Our complex is built on to the side of a hill. All of the loops in my route are up and down the side of the hill. These are not major inclines (the water tower road is) but rather just small upslopes. It was a good workout overall, my eyes were stinging with salt by the end. I need a 70's style headband.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Monthly review for July. Zero miles today

In July I ran about 114 miles*, an increase from the 75 miles in June. My weekly milage totals for each week ending in July were: 25.5, 19.8, 27.3, and 23. The number I like to follow the most is a moving thirty day total (see graph). Most running programs have you tapper for three weeks for a marathon, following a week or so at your maximum mileage - that's about 30 days in total (ok, I'm adding 2 days to the 28). Thus, I figure the total milage over the previous thirty days is a good measure of how much running your body has in it.

As of July 1st my previous thirty total was 76 miles and was 109 miles on the 31st of July. The program I am following for the Nov 21st marathon builds to a maximum 30 day total of 200 miles for one day on Oct 17.

I also want to track my resting heart rate as this is something I have never done and is said to be measure of fitness and a way to track overtraining (if it goes up). I can't take it first thing in the morning, so instead this is going to be a measurement taken after sitting for a few minutes and while feeling relaxed. I'm not going to measure it everyday but maybe once a month. Today is was 62 (measured for 30 seconds x 2).

Review: It was good month as I had fun, did not get hurt, increased my fitness and was only sick for about two days. I did have some pain here and there but it was here and there and thus moving around. Moving around pain is fine, it's the pain that stays in one place that is a problem.

*My mileage total, of course, has some amount error as it is measured on my iphone 3gs using Runmeter or comes from running a route of known distance. Since I don't know what error range is I am not going to report it. I'll round to whole miles for monthly totals and tenths of a mile for weekly or smaller totals.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

6.7 miles: WWRD

Ran 6.7 miles this morning. It was 80 degrees, 95% humidity and overcast (to foggy). I drank 1.2 liters of water, ate 120 calories (1 Stinger Honey gel) and had 2 Hammer Endurolytes during the run. I had two small bananas and a full cup of coffee before the run. The stinger honey gel was not something I would buy again to use during the run but I could see using it in the morning before a run. It was basically just honey (big shock I know). A bit too sweet for a mid-run gel for me..

I was schedule for 5 but since I felt good, had time and heard a song from Rocky in my playlist around mile 4.5, I decided to go for a bit more (WWRD).

I checked out a nature path in a development behind us I had never run in before. It was great. This development, in which I would never live, has an amazing trail system largely hidden from view from the roads in it (miles 1-3.5 on the map). If I had to run in full Sun and just go for 6 or so miles I could run in almost complete shade in this development without getting bored.

On tap for tomorrow: zero miles.